Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rant. Rant. Rant. First post.

Hello there, cyber-geek, blog enthusiast or just simply an internet surfer who happens to come across this blog site that no one will ever read (or would actually take months or even years for me to get read). I've been checking out other blog sites and had send follow requests to them hoping that they will also return my request of following me back. Let's get real here guys: EVERYBODY WANTS TO GET READ. Maybe I'll also do more of blog hopping and follow requests tomorrow if I have the time. School is getting on my nerves lately. Being a college student is really difficult and being an Information Technology student is much more difficult especially when you took the course out of stupidity but well, okay, since I've been a student of this course for more than two years, I guess I only have to stick with it until I graduate (or if I will ever graduate but oh well, let's just hope that I will). 
Anyway, apologies for my senseless rants regarding my first post. Honestly, I have no idea what to say. I just really wanted to post in my blog, that's all. Maybe in the next few days, I will finally come up with a brilliant topic to put on my second post. Well, maybe... not just now. I think I'm having a block or whatever you wanna call that thing. 
Oh anyway. Ciao for now.